Resurrection Consciousness

Accept your own resurrection now. Allow your very-human self to be integrated with the Spirit of Love and be gently transformed into a new life. That is the groundbreaking message from Jesus received by Sebastián Blaksley in Resurrection Consciousness: Portal to Universal Enlightenment.

To resurrect is to remember who you truly are. To resurrect is to begin, once again, to hear the music of the universe. This message is an invitation to go beyond what you have learned, beyond words and definitions, into a felt magnificence in which your very-human self is compassionately accepted—not denied, but transmuted.

Then your soul irrepressibly sings a song that celebrates the union of your humanity and your divinity. With that, you become an ambassador, bringing Heaven to Earth, inspiring resurrection among your brothers and sisters.

How Resurrection Consciousness was originated

How It Originated

While in silent prayer, a few days after having finished receiving and writing the work called The Age of the Heart, I suddenly had the following inner experience. It was given to me to see the sky torn wide open. As the firmament opened up more and more, countless angels of God, full of light and grace, began to surround me on all sides. From their hearts came a song of perfect praise to the Son of God.

This song was different from the other visions given to me to listen with the ears of spirit. Since the reception of these messages began, my function has been to be “a pencil in the hands of love,” as Jesus expressed it. The notes of this immemorial hymn spread such beauty and joy and were of such a quality that they plunged my soul into an ecstasy of love and contemplation. My humanity was enveloped in immutable peace.

There is no way to compare the tones, vibrations, and frequencies of that heavenly hymn, since it is an expression of being without opposite. Nevertheless, please accept the following, as it is given to me to understand.

There is music in souls and in every created thing. Its magnificence is unmatched. Once we return to love, we begin to hear it again. In other words, we recover the capacity to become aware of our sacred and irreplaceable place in the chorus of creation, whose conductor, so to speak, is Christ. The everlasting song emanating from its divine heart plunges creation into perpetual ecstasy caused by the beauty of his perfect love melodies. From that contemplative state of divine beauty, a kind of irrepressible exhalation springs from the heart of every living being. That exhale of the soul is its particular song, its response of gratitude to God for giving it life.

As more angelic beings approached, the choir of heavenly angels surrounded not only me, but the entire Earth, finally encircling the entire universal cosmos.
In the center a kind of circle was being created. Within it began to manifest a vision of joy, beauty, and contentment that cannot be adequately described in words, not only because there are no words capable of doing so, but because the feeling of the soul that sees God is not one that the body or the thinking mind in the state of duality can comprehend.

What my soul contemplated was the glory of the Father made spiritual vision. In it I could see how all creation dwelt in an inextinguishable light of holiness. Everyone and everything was present. The joy was total, and yet simultaneously increasing eternally. Each being was complete to the extent of its fullness, but that completeness was at the same time increasing infinitely—always more bliss, more harmony, more beauty, and finally, more love.

I was shown how Christ enfolded all creation in what might be called an embrace of perfect love. Everything was an expression of light as if each living being were a blessed ray of an eternal sun that is God.

In the midst of that vision a radiant and beautiful presence emerged. It was our Divine Mother, whose voice is that of Christ. She did not have a physical body as we know it in this world. Her reality was ineffable and her identity clearly understood by my soul. Addressing my soul as her daughter, she told me:

“Daughter of my divine heart. I am your Mother and Creator. You were born from me. In me you live and exist eternally. You have been given the grace to contemplate the glory of your resurrection and that of all creation. In the end, all will be resurrected in love. Truly, truly I tell you that a new humanity is being born as the blessed fruit of the resurrection, and with it, a new Heaven and a new Earth whose foundation is truth.”

After those words, Archangel Gabriel was present. He told me that within ninety days the reception of a new work would begin and that during that period he would keep me in prayer and service. Indeed, it happened: Three months later, the writings shared here began. The entire vision described above was repeated each time another message was given, each of which constitute a chapter of this work.

I hope with all my heart that this revelation helps you understand the following: We have already risen. The resurrection is the convergence of our existence—of everyone and everything. And it is a free gift of love.

The central message of this manifestation is that there is no need to wait in time to embrace the reality of the resurrection. Rather, we are called to resurrect in life, to accept the resurrection right now, not as an aspect of the future, but as the reality of what we are, not as an achievement of few, but as the right of all. We are resurrection. Becoming aware of this truth is itself the Second Coming. To be reborn now in the light of the glory of Christ is both possible and desirable because the resurrection is eternal, as eternal as is the love of God for His children.

This is how the new humanity arises.

Sebastián Blaksley
Buenos Aires, Argentina



I. Your Voice Is My Voice

My love, being that you live in the light of truth and that you make our union the food of your life, you must know that divine power flows through you to the entire universe. Yes—through you who in unison receive and give these words of love and holiness. They are not given to you just “because,” nor received without a purpose. They are a perfect means to extend Heaven on Earth through your intercession. Have you not come into the world to promote the co-creation of the new Earthly Kingdom, to bring eternity into time?

There is still so much I want to tell you! I am set on fire by the flames of fervent desire for union with you. In our dialogues we spread peace, we radiate light, we share wisdom. In short, we make God present in all His glory, magnificence, and goodness.

The world, both collectively and individually, is engulfed in a process of profound transformation. This causes many to be frightened due to not understanding the truth of things, and due to a lack of habit of trusting in me, your Divine Mother and Creator Father, as the Source of endless life. I am the one who sustains the existence of everything. Nothing escapes my gaze or can be left out of the embrace of my love.

What a joy it is to be able to dialogue heart-to-heart in a holy sharing that flows from creative love to created love, from my divine being towards your holy Christified humanity! I have told you in all languages and in multiple ways that I would never abandon you and that I would be with you until the end of time. This work testifies that this is true. I am perfect fidelity and the light of knowledge that illuminates each thinking mind, each living being, and each inert thing that is part of the material universe—as well as all spiritual realities that live beyond form.

I am the sapiential voice that heals hearts of desires disjointed from the nature of true being, and brings clarity to human and non-human reason so that harmony remains alive at all times, places, and dimensions. I am the creator of life and its sustainer. Nothing can stay alive if I take my vital breath away.

My love, soul full of beauty, tell me: Why does the nightingale sing? Why do rose petals open? Why do lilies embellish the fields, and the waters bathe the Earth with their crystalline softness? What makes everything flow in a serene rhythm, so often misunderstood, and at the same time pure and full of beauty? What is it which creates that in every moment? I have come to answer those questions. I come in response to your request for union with my divine voice and your desire for perfect knowledge. I make myself present in you for all humanity with the sole purpose that the divine union of our love spread light to the entire world.

Beloved souls who are in the world without being of it, do not afflict yourselves with the presumptuous attacks of what does not come from my divine being or from the holiness that constitutes your true nature. The voices that take away your peace and sincere joy are not really voices. They are soundless dirges for your hearts. Verily, verily I tell you that no note of any song other than that of Heaven can be truly heard.

The soul knows what love is and does not hear any other reality than that which comes from it, which has been created by perfect wisdom and is the eternal repository of divine knowledge. Nothing and no one can take that away. The soul never lives in ignorance because it belongs to its divine Creator, being His extension, like a ray of sunshine emanating splendid, beautiful, and pure from the sun.

II. United Forever

Come to me in this holy work to find the solace that your hearts seek and the wisdom that your minds believe they have forgotten and long to remember in order to live in peace. Perhaps some of you wonder: What is the purpose of this demonstration? I answer: to stay united in love. I speak to you because I love you. I take care of you because you are my little ones. Does a loving mother not take care of own and seek to give good things to her daughters and sons?

What else would I give you, beloved souls of all times and realities, if not my divine heart, Source of all that is good, holy, and perfect? I do not give crumbs but eternal life. I do not give insignificant things that dazzle, obscuring their meaninglessness. Rather, I give you my being, my holy identity, my divine essence—and with it all the treasures of the Kingdom of Heaven. Come, seize the abundance of my divine heart. In it you will find unimaginable grace, blessings beyond anything you could ask for or try to devise.

Worry not about the future of nations or creation. Remember often that you still cannot see the whole, although soon you will. When that moment arrives, which it will inexorably, you will see how much goodness, beauty, and loving perfection is in all things, all events, and the passage of time.

If fears assail you, return to these words. Meet me through this work. Your heart will sing, resonate and rejoice in our direct relationship, and the achievement of the New Heaven and the New Earth that are already here. A relationship of love and holiness, of joy and meaning, of purity and truth is ours. In this divine reality resides all good, all holy treasure, all perpetual happiness.

I cannot stop speaking to you, my daughters and sons, especially in these moments of transition towards the fullness of time, because I know that the deafening noises of the world sometimes make your minds go haywire so that you feel that you cannot connect with the beauty of your inner Christ, your holy being.

Fear tires, confuses, and saddens. Fear leads the soul to feel impotent, perceiving a limit to going beyond the Christ itself towards the I Am, which is the superior reality of its identity, and then to cross all thresholds and embrace the unlimited, infinite freedom that It is and which lives far beyond what any apprentice mind is capable of. All of this is a cause of suffering because the divine self, which is your identity, only finds sincere peace and joy in remaining united to what is in truth—to the nameless Infinite, to the holy Incomprehensible, to the Source of all true being.

III. On the Wings of Spirit

Beloved sons and daughters of my divine heart, remember often that my voice is like the wind. No one knows from where it comes or where it goes. But it always moves, it moves to bring serenity to spirits, light to minds, purity to hearts, and union to everything part of the creation of love.

Truly, if I did not speak to you, you would cease to exist. If I did not reach you with my sweet voice, you would be unable to see the light. I assure you, there is no greater joy for the soul than receiving the Word of eternal life, its Source and the creative power that calls things into being, the origin and destination of true joy and holy beauty.

You have heard on many occasions and in multiple ways, not all of them conscious, that on certain occasions violence is justified. But I tell you that is never true. Violence is never justified, or any form that lack of love takes. I invite you, through these words, to walk the path of unbreakable peace. On this path fear is replaced by love, the desire to punish by the desire to dialogue, the impulse to divide by the impulse to unite in truth. You are ready for it.

Who loves, unites. Who lives in the truth, integrates in love. Those who embrace holiness understand that loving dialogue is the reality of creation, since they have recognized that life is union. They are not afraid of what seems to be different, nor do they attack anything or anyone since there is no desire to gain anything. They have freed themselves from the false compulsion to “get” in order to be more. They simply rest in a peace that has no opposite. They know that everything is in the hands of love.

Holy soul, out of love, ask yourself the following questions. Where do you get the necessary strength to be able to stay upright in a world that breaks the backs of those who walk through it? From whence comes the strength to hold on to virtue and hope beyond all hope? What is the engine that keeps the light of wisdom burning in minds and hearts that want to live in the truth?

These questions are of great import, because they allow you to connect with the Source of all true power living in you, which is God. We will not answer them but remain silent and leave them in our hearts so that the dew of divine grace that we both are gently waters your being, and makes it grow to a greater depth of divine union, where everything is holy, pure, and benevolent.

My daughter, my son, stay silent, for we tread on holy ground. I assure you, light of my eyes, that the flow of the power of my divine love embraces every fiber of your being, every part of your body, and every moment of your temporary existence. Through that embrace of holy love, you obtain strength, virtue, knowledge, perfect discernment, and everything else your humanity needs to extend Heaven on Earth.

I am the Source of true power, creative power that manifests itself in action, the Alpha and Omega of all that exists in the world and beyond. I am what makes hearts sing and overflow with love, what makes the sun rise every morning and set in due time to give way to the night, allowing the beauty of the moon and stars to be seen and known. I am that which makes water be, so that souls sing perfect praises. I am love made word, truth made humanity in you.

The Great Transformation - Chapter 1

The Great Transformation

I. Like a Ray of the Sun

I am the nameless, the dawn that cannot be caught, the light beam that cannot be held and yet extends, giving life, clarity, and existence. I am the voice that speaks in the soul, the song that brings ecstasy to being, the word that creates life and the countless forms that arise from it. I am a seed that bears fruit, air that cleanses, intelligence that creates thought. I am father, mother, daughter, son, and friend of all creation. I am all of this and much more.

No name can name me or symbol represent me because I exist before everything. I am from eternity. Never was there a time when I was not. No space can exclude me. No being is beyond my divine embrace. I am the love that creates and recreates everything in holiness, the loving grace that works miracles in every moment. I am that which makes all things new in perfect beauty and harmony.

I am you and you are Me. We are inseparable. You could not comprehend this with your singular awareness before now. Perhaps you have heard similar things on the path of Earthly life. But so far it has been only been words, concepts that the thinking mind could understand but not digest, much less carry out, not as a matter of incapacity but simply because truth can only be received by awareness, not by any other aspect of who you are.

You are pure consciousness, manifesting in all its glory, loveliness, and holiness, just as I am. And yet we are not two separate consciousnesses of the same quality or essence, but you are a unique expression of my divine consciousness which only you can be, and whose existence fulfills my divine purpose.

As already said, you are like a ray of the sun, a perfect extension of my being. There is no place where you and I are disconnected. Just as the wind and the air cannot be conceived as separate, neither can what you and I are. You are pure, diaphanous, endless air. I am the power that gives movement to your being. United, we create a holy breeze that gives life in its path and beautifies everything it touches.

Have you heard these things before? Has it not been said in countless ways that God and creation are one? Or that the Creator does not ignore his creation? That He is united to it by an invisible thread of beautiful love? And yet, this truth is not realized in you or in anyone until it is accepted by the singular consciousness—until you sufficiently give up identification with your interpretations and ways of seeing things according to the thinking or intellectual mind.

When you open a crack, however small, between what you think you think and your being—the moment you decide to distance yourself from the false belief that the learning mind could reveal the truth and you question what you think you believe and what the world believes to be true—at that very moment, Heaven begins to pour into you. This is because by questioning what has been learned from the experience of the world, you invoke the memory of God in you. You wake up to a love that has no opposite. You return to the arms of the divine beloved of your soul.

II. Inspired Soul

Why should this work have a “logical” and “thematic” development, as do writings that seek to impart knowledge, if what we are doing here is expressing our union? —establishing a heart-to-heart dialogue for the simple reason of being united and enjoying our relationship? Don’t you often talk to your loved ones simply because you love them? That is how it is between your soul and my being. We establish a dialogue because our joy is being united. We express ourselves in our union. We remain aware of our divine relationship. We dialogue because yes; we love because yes. We love each other simply for loving.

What knowledge could be imparted if you already know the divine delights? If you already know who you are and where your being dwells? What else could be necessary to know? You are no longer the student who turns to her beloved teacher to ask and receive the true answer. You are the one gathered by the love of the Divine Mother in eternal reality.

You no longer need lessons. We just walk together as the incarnated Christ that you are, talking with the Source of wisdom, with the beauty of love, enjoying the voice of truth—and at the same time, allowing the Divine Being to delight in your company. We are the well-loved child and the loving Mother, walking the paths of the world together, our eyes turned toward Heaven, our memory set on God, and our feet on the ground. We talk about love. We embrace the truth.

Our dialogues are a blessing, a vehicle of grace, and the perfect extension of holiness throughout the universe. Few brothers and sisters believe in the power of divine union. She creates and recreates, restores and heals, illuminates and beautifies all by Herself. She does not need a structure any more than love does. Our relationship is unique. And so is its expression.

This work does not arise from a pre-conceived idea of a thinking mind, then to be given shape, as often happens in literary works. No, these words flow by themselves. They are brought from the Heaven of your holy mind towards your humanity, then towards the word forms where they are embodied, to later extend to all creation. Think not that they will reach only those who receive them in a particular way.

III. The Power of Our Union

I assure you that every time we are alone in this divine intimacy, whether receiving the divine word and writing it, or receiving and reading it, or sharing what is given here, in each case all of Heaven extends towards the universe. This is because the power of our union, which is none other than God’s, always fulfills its purpose. Beloved child of the light that never goes out, I have not touched your heart “just because,” not even if you have come out of vain curiosity. Our union is eternal, indissoluble, holy.

All true transformation of the soul arises from a relationship. This is so both in the world and in Heaven. Every relationship is in some way transformative. That is why it is so important to establish holy relationships, for they have the power to establish you in the holiness that you are and also to anchor others in their immutable innocence. With this I want to remind you, my beloved, that in truth the only source of holy transformation is our divine relationship. Stay attached to holiness and you will reflect holiness. Stick to truth and you will spread truth. Dwell in the peace of God and you will be peace.

Beloved daughter, son, born of true light, remember that in our union, your soul remains in the reality of the love that it is. It is continually sanctified, renewed by the power of divine essence. How else could you consciously remain love, if not by living in conscious union with it? When you join your humanity with my Divine Being, it is the Infinite, in all His divine reality, who inhabits you, surrounds you, embraces you, and absorbs you. And do you think that this can be innocuous or inert? Of course not.

Please listen, beloved of my being: Throughout history there have been those who sought with all their heart to be transformed in love, walking a steep slope, a path of great effort to be transformed by themselves by reason of their will. This has caused great exhaustion in many of my daughters and sons throughout the world. And it still causes it, since sacrifice has not been completely abandoned.

In this work given out of love, I want to help you abandon the path of personal effort and sacrifice and start walking a new one: that of a direct relationship with Me. That is, with the love that constitutes your true being. I assure you that this relationship will do great things in your life. It will give you blessings that you cannot imagine. And above all, it will save you unnecessary fatigue.

Out of love I remind you that at the end of every spiritual path not grounded in a direct relationship with God, the point is reached where this sweet truth is understood: Only in union with divine love comes the metanoia of the soul. This transformation causes her to be lifted up in the arms of the Divine Mother and taken to the Kingdom of Heaven without effort on her part, without wasting her humanity, but simply letting herself be carried away by the love of God. In other words, let yourself be loved. Allow the divine relationship to be the great transformer of humanity, here, now, and always.

From Fear to Resurrection - Chapter 2

From Fear to Resurrection

I. Peace Will Reign

My beloved, I have said that peace would reign in the nations and it will be so. And once she is the sovereign of the world, the new Earthly Kingdom, and with it the new humanity, will shine forth in divine sweetness and grace.

At the very moment in which the mind of the son of God created the idea of separation as an effect the experience of duality and the opposite of love, the incarnation of Christ was created as an inseparable part, in the form of Jesus, conceived of a woman, who would bring to consciousness the resurrection of creation and with it, the recreation of the entire universe.

Typical of the past state of consciousness was the belief that Heaven was located in a material firmament where galaxies, stars, comets, and beautiful planets dwell. Perhaps today it does not seem to you that going from conceiving God as a phenomenon of nature or an element of the environment, to recognizing Him as an abstract, Supreme Being was a quantum leap in knowledge or an awakening of universal consciousness.

We have already spoken in a work that precedes these writings, The Age of the Heart: The Birth of a New Heaven and a New Earth, about this matter. Therefore, we will not expand on it beyond these words. The expression “a new Heaven and a new Earth” speaks not of two realities or aspects of existence. It means that the new creation, which was created forever and was fully manifested at the moment of separation, is one in which the physical and the spiritual are lived and known as the unity that they are—a single undivided reality, just as it really is.

The new Heaven is a new consciousness in the sense that in the new creation, the created—including you and all humanity—knows divine creation face to face just as God knows it, without distortion or intermediaries. No interpretation is involved, only pure knowledge. The body is not denied, since being transmuted into the light of Christ consciousness it need not be abolished but integrated into the spirit of love.

The resurrection of Jesus unequivocally and eloquently demonstrated that his body and his spirit shine forever in the purity of holiness and eternal life: human nature united forever with the divine. It is the same way with you who receive these words, who you are the light of my eyes, a channel of wisdom, a pencil in the hands of love. And also the same with all creation. Ultimately, the filiation must return to the Father’s house, because that is what it was created for, and so will it happen. Does this mean the abolition of free will and the power to choose? Of course not.

Choosing has always been a matter of knowledge. They go hand-in-hand. In effect, they are a unit. What true thing can you choose if you do not know the truth and cannot identify it? What kind of real choice can be made from illusion, and between illusory options? Are you really free when you choose between insubstantial images, or between the ghosts of a feverish mind entertaining fantasies of terror? You know the answer. We need not express it here; it dwells in your holy heart.

II. One Holy Reality

The resurrection event was the visible manifestation of something far beyond what the eyes can see or the intellectual mind conceive. In this work we will unfold the wings of knowledge. We will allow universal consciousness to delve into the deep and benevolent meaning of that which was an act above all acts— or that event, if you prefer—that can only be compared to the origin of creation, if the mind continues to need to compare.

Believing that the resurrection is something that concerns only the historical figure of Jesus of Nazareth, or more precisely, the human aspect of my incarnation as his figure, is to put a limit on God and naturally cannot be anchored in truth. After the episode, if you allow me to use that word, of the reincarnation of Christ, that is to say, of his return to true life after death to illusion, a divine power was set in motion. I will explain.

I have deliberately used the word reincarnation. I do it for love, and for you to understand that peoples who have shared ancestral wisdom of the idea of cycles of beings that incarnate over and over again to fulfill their purpose, revealed something with a true and holy core. To a certain extent, they were the first to speak of the resurrection power that exists in God, although their teachings have not always been understood that way.

How could ideas of reincarnation have been interpreted in the way being revealed here when the universal consciousness was not ready to fully understand? It was understood to the extent that it could be understood. Remember, creation is traveling from a maximum allowed state of unconsciousness toward full awareness of love. In that journey without distance the consciousness widens more and more, and comes to know the truth, that is, God, to a greater degree.

III. In the Abode of Love

My beloved, humanity is prepared to know the resurrection to a degree never before achieved. She will know, by knowing her being, that in her humanity is the perfect justification that the new Earthly Kingdom, and with it the new Heaven on which she stands impeccably, is possible, real, and also realized.

Never was there a time when the resurrection was not active. The fact that the universal consciousness or the consciousness of the created had to wait a while on its way to return to love does not mean that it did not previously exist. Does the sun stop shining because you close your eyes? Does the cosmos disappear when you sleep? Obviously not. Something similar happens with the recognition of the resurrecting power of God.

The being beyond all names and which is the creative Source of life, is unity. There are no parts to what is, no separations, no seams. In divinity nothing ends and something else begins. It is infinite holy reality. Therefore, re-creative capacity must have existed in power and action forever, like everything in God.

Perhaps you have often wondered why love is undaunted by so much nonsense in the world of separation. Why is there so much serenity despite the fact that so much foolishness manifests itself in Earthly experience? In this work you will find the answer that your heart is looking for, and it will give you peace because you will recognize it as truth and love.

God—and also your being—does not get impatient with anyone or anything concerning the choice for separation. This is due, among other things, to the fact that He knows that when the pure soul created the idea of separation, and the totally fearful or egoic state of consciousness manifested itself along with the whole spectrum of manifestations of its insubstantial reality, the resurrection also manifested.

Daughters and sons of Heaven and holy Earth, you have been very focused on the fearful effects that the belief in separation seems to have caused. As a result, you have not stopped to think about what is revealed next. But now is the time, and you are ready both individually and collectively to move beyond observing the manifestations of fear, towards those of resurrection.

The Memory of the New Earthly Kingdom - Chapter 3

The Memory of the New Earthly Kingdom

I. Reborn from On High

My love, in you I speak to all humanity. This work comes to awaken a memory that exists in your hearts, a remembrance infused in the soul, given at its creation by the creative Source. Therefore, it is part of your being. It dwells in your hearts, which are always impelled to rise to the heights of holiness.

What is it that makes the human spirit seek improvement? What leads humanity to rise and try to live in a better world? What drives you to improve individually and collectively? These questions have a holy purpose. They seek to make you aware of a universal desire of the human family to promote and create an existential condition and state wherein you can live in peace and be happy in a lasting way. It all proceeds from a knowledge residing in the very heart of being which cannot be eliminated or entirely silenced.

Have you wondered why your sisters and brothers care and work so hard to leave future generations a better quality of life? Parents protect assets to leave an inheritance to their children so that they can be well. In this way they take care of them, leaving them good things that help on their future journey.

Many people carry out works that they will never see or enjoy, with the sole purpose of leaving a legacy for future generations. Are not trees planted in gardens and parks knowing that they will reach the fullness of their beauty in such a distant time that those who planted them will never be able to see them in their splendor? What are these things for?

In the heart of your being is a knowledge not of the world. It includes the knowledge of Christ, whose wisdom is perfect and constitutes the truth of what you are. In this you are aware that creation will inexorably converge in a New Heaven and a New Earth. Indeed, you know that new reality very well. Even the thinking or learning mind knows it well. Deep down in your heart, you know that the story of creation will end well—indeed, that it will never end because everything that comes from God is eternal.

The new Earthly realm is that to which humanity and all existence in the material Universe are traveling. And they will arrive. The new rising humanity, which is already inhabiting the planet Earth and is becoming more and more numerous, is part of it. In this work I have come to reveal more about that new existential reality, or new vital experience, which we have come to call a new Heaven and a new Earth, but which is actually a new material and spiritual creation that integrates the existing one.

II. Love Will Shine

We will call the new Earthly Kingdom the “new creation” to help you understand, in the language of the thinking mind, what is revealed here. The new creation arises from the creative Source, that is, from God, regardless of what you call it. For the purposes of this dialogue, we will call it the “Mother of Endless Life” to express that which is the origin of all origins and the end of all ends—the first and last reality of being in which everything that exists moves and is.

We have said that the new creation is born of God, that is, of perfect love. And so it is. This does not mean that your participation is inert or neutral. Nothing that comes from you is. The new Earthly Kingdom, and with it the new Heaven, is the perfect expression of the holy will of the heart of the world—the heart of the created universe and of the divine. It is your creation, next to mine. To be more precise, it is the co-creation that we carry out together as the divine humanity that we are.

Naturally, the creation of a new reality or existence which we call a new Earthly Kingdom will not be the result of adjustments made by human society, or of the knowledge acquired by the men and women throughout history. How could it be that way? Remember, the intellectual mind can only describe and interpret facts perceived through a lens that cannot go beyond symbols and forms. Also remember that these are conceived according to the reality that it, itself, seeks to create, despite not being a source of creation but a means.

Perhaps you think that the statement we have just made is incorrect, since the thinking mind is capable of expressing abstract ideas. But, my dear, what you call abstractions are included when talking about symbols and forms, for despite being immaterial ideas, they are forms of thought. Everything is thought, even in the world of illusions. All arise from a mental flow, none of which come into play in the creation of the new existence we speak of here.

Only divine consciousness and the creations attached to it are the source of creation. This is the same as saying that only love creates. And just as we have already said in other revelations, it only creates new love. Therefore, the new Earthly Kingdom arises as an inseparable effect of the will of the Creator and the created, in whose reality only peace, beauty, holiness, and all the other treasures of the Kingdom exist.

III. The Holy Mount

God in his infinite goodness has arranged from all eternity that the new creation be carried out in union with humanity. It cannot be otherwise, because human and divine natures have merged into an undivided whole, without this preventing God from being God and humanity from being humanity. Do not think that by saying “humanity” I am speaking only of that aspect of creation you call human; I mean every living thing that is part of the material universe, including the sun and stars, galaxies and stones in all their beauty and holiness.

Together with God with whom it is one unit, universal consciousness created the new Earthly Kingdom, which has also been called the Kingdom of Heaven. There we all dwell together in the sanctity of being. We enjoy the beauty of seas and oceans much vaster than what you can see today with bodily eyes. In it mountains radiate a beauty that gives peace to souls. The birds fly such a majestic flight that you enjoy them as a perfect dance, because that is what it is.

That realm, full of matter and spirit, of Earth and sky, exists. It is the “place” which is not a place to which I have said I was going after my resurrection to prepare for you a holy mansion in which to dwell eternally, united to the love of loves.

There is no suffering in the new Earthly Kingdom because all scarcity has been abolished. Nor enmities, since there is no desire for separation, nor any way of thinking that is far from wisdom. In it only love dwells, manifesting itself in perfect harmony with the Source of endless life. There are no cries or tears, all having been wiped away as a blessed effect of a new conscious oblivion—in this case, not of being or of God, but a forgetting of everything untrue, not part of the divine will.

The current vibration of universal consciousness, or material creation—its capacity to remain united to the truth—is greater than before because it is part of the journey of creation. That is, that consciousness, and with it everything part of creation, is more subtle. This allows you to join other dimensions of consciousness in a way not possible before this interval of time and space, including those planes or dimensions of consciousness that we here call the New Heaven.

Perhaps you have thought that the new Heaven was a new firmament with more or fewer stars, or a light blue or pink moon, or new suns shining in the heights. But my dear one, soul full of light, if that were the case the new reality would only include form and would not be in harmony with the truth of divine unity.

The new Heaven is a new spirit living on a new Earth. Everything in her is a holy expression of perfect love. This means that the minds and hearts of those who dwell there do not experience any limitation, nor any of the effects of thinking of the world of illusion. Their minds do not think anything; they only receive the pure thought from the Source of all thought, the Mother of Endless Life. Their hearts beat in time with God’s, for they are one with Him. Consequently what else can they express but holy love?

Death is inconceivable in the new Earthly Kingdom because in it everything is in perfect harmony with truth, from which it arises and through which it is sustained. There is no denial of the truth and no desire to obliterate it. There is only Christ, expressing himself in each creature or aspect of the beautiful divine creation, manifested in infinite holy forms, among which you will be prominent. The wolf and the lamb will eat together, the lion as well as the ox will eat grass and the winds will gently caress their bodies. In all my holy mountain no one does any harm. All will be laughter and revelry, peace and endless joy.